The focus of the Professional Diploma is for the Advisor to possess insight and a sound understanding into the key aspects of Trust Management. It is also to equip the Advisor with the skills to advise the Client on all aspects of the creation and operation of a Trust, a Will, the associated tax planning measures involved.
Among the key benefits of the course is an increase in knowledge and understanding of these cross-border practices of Trust Management including the vehicles, legal structure and legal instruments that underpin these areas of practice.
This programme accrues 60 UK RQF Credits with 3 modules at 15 credits and 2 modules at 7.5 credits each. The course will be conducted fully online and self-instructional learning.
Module Offerings
The following are the 5 modules:
Module 1: Sources of Trust Law in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia (15 credits)
Module 2: Trust Models (15 credits)
Module 3: Trusteeship-Duties (15 credits)
Module 4: Injunctions & Breach of Trust (7.5credits)
Module 5: Professional Development (7.5 credits)
Standard Delivery Mode
The Student Learning Time for the modules delivery via Asynchronous online classes are as follows:
Module | Asynchronous online classes | Self- instructional learning (hour) | Total (hour) |
Module 1: Sources of Trust Law in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia | 12 | 138 | 150 |
Module 2: Trust Models | 12 | 138 | 150 |
Module 3: Trusteeship-Duties | 12 | 138 | 150 |
Module 4: Injunctions & Breach of Trust | 6 | 69 | 75 |
Module 5: Professional Development | 6 | 69 | 75 |
Total | 48 | 552 | 600 |
An applicant may be admitted on the basis of evidence to suggest that he/she will be able to fulfil and benefit from the objectives of the programme and achieve the standard required for the award.
Summary of Entry Requirements
The entry requirements for the respective courses are as follows:
- Bachelor’s Degree in any related field.
- Other acceptable Certificate or Diploma qualifications in the related field that has been awarded from recognized bodies or institutions.
- Those without 1 and 2 can be accepted based on relevant working experience in the field of Trust Management.
Advanced Standing / Exemptions / Credits Transfer (APL)
Consideration for the above for learners admitted onto the programme may be considered either at the beginning of a programme, or beyond the beginning of a programme, through an assessment of that learner’s prior learning, whether certificated or un-certificated. The process for making such a decision is known as the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) is a matter of academic judgment exercised by the appointed panel considering applications and approvals of APL.
Where cohorts of learners are to be admitted with advanced standing on a regular basis, the arrangement should be subject to an Academic Progression Agreement.
The Assessment Aims
In assessing the student, the principal aim is to ensure that the student displays a competent and coherent understanding of the law and principles as defined by the course and by answering the correct questions which are framed from the syllabus in periodic tests to enable judgments and decisions to be reached concerning:
- The progression of students through the programme;
- How well students have met the programme learning outcomes through the combination of the individual module learning outcomes;
- The provision of feedback information to students concerning their performance and how they adhered to the generic assessment criteria and the module-specific assessment criteria;
- The award of credits for individual modules;
- The granting of the Professional Diploma award; and
- The granting of Professional Certificate awards should the student fail to complete the programme but successfully complete 30 credits of the programme.
The underpinning principles which drive the assessment strategies adopted for this programme are the profile of the target students and the programme itself (its philosophy and associated learning outcomes).
Passing mark
Each module is assessed by way of a three [3] hour final examination or one-and-a-half-hour final examination which comprises multiple-choice questions which will be drawn from across the syllabus and candidates must achieve a minimum of 50% module marks for a pass.